Friday 27 May 2011

#14 Nap Time!

Three words that define a rower - Sleep, eat, row.

Nothing is worse than having to row in the morning with only 4 hours of sleep. Sleep is essential for recovery, however sleep deprivation is common amongst rowers. If it isn't the early morning practices, it's the intense training that drains all of your energy.

Sitting anywhere other than in a boat, whether it's school or late night movies, if the material isn't riveting it's near impossible to stay awake. Your eyes feel heavy and you feel your body aches. Giving in to a nap is hardly a fight.

With a busy schedule you have to optimize your nap time. You take it when you can get it. Whether it's under a trailer, in a stretcher or anywhere with some fresh grass and shade, these are all perfectly legitimate places to nap.

Away at regattas, it's common for rowers to schedule nap time together. They snuggle up with their roommate for some quality nap time. It's team bonding on a whole different level.



Snuggle Buddies - The Movie!

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