Monday, 13 June 2011

#20 You miss hitting a buoy by an inch

At every club there are always obstacles on the water. Sometimes you see them, sometimes you don't.

Once you get comfortable with the course, it's typical to get a little lazy with your bowing.  Being the overconfident person that you are you "forget" to check your surroundings and allow yourself to get caught up focusing on your stroke. Recipe for disaster.

You take one half-hearted look over your port shoulder - nothing. You continue rowing and call in your power piece. 3 strokes in and whoosh the buoy appears out of nowhere just skimming the end of your blade. Your heart skips a beat at the thought of almost disaster. Thankfully the rowing gods were on your side this time, and you managed to miss destroying your boat by an oar length.


In the moment, sometimes you just forget to check your course...

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